Saturday, January 9, 2016

Chocolate Swiss roll with chocolate cream

David said this is his favorite of all the Swiss rolls I made. 
I used carol's 巧克力堅果聖誕蛋糕卷recipe for the cake. I substituted almond powder with cake flour and skipped walnuts. 
I had very small organic eggs. Since they are so small, I used 5 eggs instead of 4. 
For filling, I used two cups of whipped cream and cocoa powder. I dissolved the cocoa powder in a little bit of water first. Next time I will dissolve it in cream instead. I think I can also melt chocolate buttons in the microwave first and add to the whipping cream. I used the small baking pan instead of the half sheet pan. 
It was very delicious. This recipe has absolutely no leavening agent. 

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